Check out all the Features

Alberta is packed with innovative technologies which work seamlessly together to provide an awesome experience

Saying Time

Alberta will tell you the current time
try it saying :
'alberta what time is it?'

Search google

Search anything on Google by voice
try it saying :
" alberta search google for cat pictures"

Search Youtube

Search anything on Youtube by voice
try it saying :
." alberta search youtube for Mr.Beast"

Weather Update

Alberta will tell you the current Weather update on any city
(using openweather freemium api) try it saying :
"alberta weather update london " or "alberta weather update new york"

Calculate any number

Calculate any number by voice
try it saying :
"alberta Calculate 130 + 20" or "alberta Calculate 50 multiply by 7"

Click Link Or Button

add clicking on link on your site
try it saying :
"alberta click on home" or "alberta click on reaload"

Handsfree Scrolling

You can scroll down or up page
try it saying :
"alberta scroll down " , "scroll up", "scroll to bottom" or "scroll to top"

Locate Place and know distance

Locate any place by google maps
try it saying :
"alberta locate london", "alberta where is berlin?" or "alberta distance of new york from washington"

Information from wikipedia

Open any wikipedia page
try it saying :
"alberta information on tensorflow"

Open Popular websites

You can open 50 most Popular website,(you can add thousands more)
try it saying :
"alberta open website youtube " or "alberta open website wikipedia"

definition of anything

you can ask about almost anything to alberta
try it saying :
"alberta what is lion" or "alberta definition of hello"

Basic Conversation

a lot basic Conversation commands already added (you can add thousands of more conversations)
try it saying :
"alberta how are you"Or "alberta what can you do"

Many more

alberta have many more commands like saying IP address or tossing coin
try it saying :
"alberta toss a coin " or "alberta what is my ip address"

Q: Can i add More commands by myself without having much knowledge about coding?

ANS: Obviously you can, you will get both video and text based documentation,so even if you are never code before you can also add commands on the assistant,

Q:Can I change the name of Assistant

ANS: Obviously you can,you can name it anything you want like ALEXA,KAREN,JARVIS

Q:Can I change the Voice of Assistant

ANS: Yes you can change the voice also to male or female

Q:It can be Used on any browser?

ANS: No :( , sadly for now its only support google chrome browser,But i hope you will get all browser support soon.

(As of September 2021, Google Chrome accounted for about 67.56 percent of the global desktop internet browser market share. source: statista

  • User Said
  • Try Some Commands
    Example: Alberta What Time is?